Tuesday, March 1, 2011

The Bill of Rights

     One man. One country. One problem. Thomas Jefferson stood up for the states' rights in the United States of America. He feared that because the Constitution had nothing to protect the citizens and their rights. He, along with some others of like mind, came up with 10 amendments. The first amendment deals with our freedoms of speech, petitioning and assembly. It has its pros and cons though. A pro is you can say whatever you want and not get arrested for it. A con is that people can stand out a veteran's funeral and protest the war. The second one is just as controversial. It states that everyone has the right to carry a gun. Since it was written around the time of militias most people believe that it was in reference to single shot rifles and militia men, but since it doesnt say that dirrectly, whenever the senate or congress try to fix it or something of that kind it gets "shot" down pretty quick. The third amendment makes sure the government cant quarter soldiers in your house during peacetime and hasnt ruffled so many feathers which is a nice change from the first two. The 4th through 8th deal with "Due Process". The 4th is about illegal search and siezure which makes the police to have a warrant or probable cause. The 5th allows defendants to refuse to testify against themself and the illegalization of the process double jeopardy (Not the TV show).  The 6th grants us the right to a speedy and public trial. It also forces cops to miranderize you or more commonly known as "reading your rights". The 7th deals with the right to be tried in front of a jury. The 8th talks about what excessive bail is and also what can be counted as cruel and unusual punishment. The 9th and 10th deals with our states' rights. The 9th makes it so the government cant deny us nonenumerated rights even if they arent talked about in the Constitution. The 10th says any rights that arent delegated by the federal government is under the responsibility of the state which is like strict constructionism. Jefferson really covered all his bases.
     You can learn a lot from Jefferson and his ideals for this country. I've learned to listen to what other people have to say because they have the right to say it and sometimes i see a flaw in my argument that was pointed out to me and realize my way might not be the only way. I've also learned that the 2nd amendment will be around for a long time like it or not. The people have a right to defend themselves and the government cant take that away. Another thing unfortunately is that the death penalty is now considered "usual". I guess its common for man to kill each other but it shouldnt be happening at the federal level somethings got to be fixed there...Also many people have gotten away because the Due Process wasnt followed which reminds me to be careful with the things i do and make sure i get it right the first time or somtehing bad could happen. Finally i learned that if im being arrested that i need to plead the 3rd, im just kiddingdon not plead the third that would make no sense, you need to make sure they read you your rights or you can get off scott free.

to read more on Jefferson
to read more on Old Hickory

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